Daniel R. Olsen Proclamation
On March 15, 2019, there was a renaming ceremony at Eagan High School, Eagan, MN. At the event, Post 594 was renamed to the Daniel R. Olsen Post 594.
Below is the image and text of the proclamation from that event:
The United States of American
The American Legion
The required number of persons duly qualified for membership having applied therefore and such application having been approved in due form.
Now therefore, pursuant to the powers conferred by the Constitution of The American Legion, this Charter is granted and those applying together with such others as may unite with them are hereby authorized to establish and maintain a Post of
The American Legion
at Eagan to be known as Daniel R. Olsen Post No. 594 Department of Minnesota, and this instrument, unless revoked or suspended, shall be conclusive evidence of the lawful existence thereof.
(Originally chartered as: Eagan Post No. 594)
By the acceptance of this Charter, the said Post acknowledges irrevocable jurisdiction and declares itself to be in all things subject to the Constitution of The American Legion and of the Department of Minnesota, and the rules, regulations, orders and laws promulgated in pursuance thereof, and further the said Post pledges itself, through its members, to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of The United States and the principles of true Americanism, for the common welfare of the living and in solemn commemoration of those who died that liberty might not perish from the Earth.
In Witness Whereof, this Charter is given under the hand and seal of the National Commander, duly attested by the National Adjutant, at National Headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana, this 16th day of January, 2019; and countersigned by the Commander and the Adjutant for the Department of Minnesota at St. Paul, the 26th Day of January, 2019.