Eagan America Legion Post 594 Year in Review
December 31, 2018
Eagan American Legion Post 594 recently expanded their U.S. Flag donation program to the City of Eagan. The post has been providing flags to the Eagan Community Center and Eagan Tribute Plaza for a few years. The post increased this program by donating additional flags to the city that will be used at City Hall, the Historic 1914 Town Hall, Police Department, and all Fire Stations. Special thanks to Andrew Pimental (City of Eagan Director, Parks & Recreation) and Mike Sipper (City of Eagan Supervisor, Government Buildings) for their support of this program.

John Flynn, Eagan American Legion Post 594 Commander; Mike Sipper; Wayne Beierman, Eagan American Legion Post 594 Adjutant
Children and Youth

On March 2, 2018, Eagan American Legion Post 594 donated enough copies of the book ‘F is for Flag’ to meet the needs of all first-grade classrooms within ISD191. The school district is delighted to begin utilizing this book to teach students about the US Flag Code & etiquette.

Pictured with Stacie Stanley, District Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Support are Wayne Beierman (Eagan American Legion Post 594 Adjutant) and John Flynn, Eagan American Legion Post 594 Commander.
Children and Youth

On May 24, 2018, Eagan American Legion Post 594 presented an event at Eagan High School to honor the twelve students who have committed to the military after graduation. The event the posting and retirement of the colors by the Post 594 Color Guard. The speakers included Eagan Teacher and Post 594 member Paul Kovach, Eagan City Administrator Dave Osberg, State Representative Laurie Halverson, State Senator Jim Carlson, and Eagan High School senior and U.S. Army PFC Andrea Macias. Post 594 Commander John Flynn was the emcee for the presentation and the keynote speaker was Past American Legion National Commander Dan Ludwig of Red Wing. Each of the students also talked about themselves and their future plans in the military. At the end of the ceremony, each student was called up to receive a personal MN Senate resolution, individual MN House resolution, an American Legion Certificate of Appreciation, and a plaque from Eagan High School. They also received branch-of-service pins from Post 594. They were congratulated by the speakers, as well as the active military personnel and veterans, at the end the ceremony. The cake, refreshments, and dinnerware were generously donated by Sam’s Club of Eagan.

On May 24, 2018, Eagan American Legion Post 594 conducted an American Heart Association blood Drive event at Eagan Community Center. Thirty eight pints of blood were donated to this worthy cause.

Pictured are Lance Ashland and Tom Smith Eagan American Legion Post 594 volunteers.
Veterans & Children and Youth
On May 28, 2018 Memorial Day service at the Eagan Tribute and Memorial Plaza. The event was hosted by the Eagan Beyond the Yellow Ribbon committee. The Colors were posted by the Eagan American Legion Post Color Guard. John Flynn, Post 594 Commander, emceed the event. Gene Leifeld – Minnesota American Legion, 3rd District Commander gave the keynote address.

The Eagan High School Concert Choir led by Director of Choral Activities, Randy Schafer, sang the National Anthem’, the ‘American Anthem’, and the ‘Song for Unsung Heroes’ which enhanced this annual tribute to our fallen heroes.
Children and Youth
Eagan American Legion Post 594 recognized the Eagan High School Concert Choir for the wonderful support that gave to the Memorial Day program this year. The great singing and level of participation shown by the choir members on Memorial Day exemplified patriotism.
An American Legion Citation of Appreciation was presented to Eagan H.S. Director of Choral Activities Randy Schafer.

The certificate reads “Sincere appreciation for your outstanding support and participation in the Eagan Memorial Day Ceremony held on the 28th day of May 2018. Your stirring renditions of the ‘National Anthem’, the ‘American Anthem’, and the ‘Song for Unsung Heroes’ enhanced this annual tribute to our fallen heroes.”
Children and Youth
Eagan American Legion Post 594 is pleased to announce that Scotland M. Garrick of Inver Grove Heights has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. He is the son of Post 594 member and United States Army & National Guard veteran Robert Garrick. Scotland was awarded his medal at a Court of Honor held in Cottage Grove on May 31st. Attaining this rank is a true reflection of Scotland’s values, character, determination, and focus, as he joins an elite group. Only 2% of all members of the scouting program since 1912 have attained the Eagle Scout rank. In recognition of the special achievement, Post 594 recently awarded Scotland with a resolution and an accompanying American Legion ‘Good Citizenship Citation’.

Scotland just graduated from Simley High School and his future plans include serving in the U.S. Army National Guard. To honor his decision, Post 594 also recognized Scotland with a ‘Military Commitment Certificate of Commendation’, accompanied by a United States Army service-branch pin. Following Basic Training, he will then be moving on to specialized training in the field of Air Traffic Control (ATC) Operator (Military Occupational Specialty 15Q) at Fort Rucker in Dothan, Alabama. Congratulations to Scotland and his family!
Americanism & Children and Youth
On June 14th, Flag Day, Eagan American Legion Post 594 / Auxiliary Unit 594 facilitated the second annual Eagan Flag Disposal Ceremony at the Thomas Lake Park pavilion.

The Eagan Legion was supported by over a dozen area Girl and Boy Scouts and their family members. Their presence enhanced this event tremendously!

WWII U.S. Army veteran Paul Stark
The evening began with presentations on flag history, the meaning of each fold of the flag, and how to treat it when it becomes unserviceable. Everyone had the opportunity to fold a flag assisted by a parent, auxiliary or post member. This was followed by a respectful ceremony of disposing the flags in a well-tended bonfire. We were fortunate to have Post member and WWII U.S. Army veteran Paul Stark participate in the disposal process. The event was highly interactive, educational, and led to many great conversations.
Americanism & Children and Youth
On June 20, 2018 Eagan American Legion Post 594 recognized outgoing Eagan Police Chief Jim McDonald for his 30 years of service to the community. He was given a Citation of Appreciation from the post members. In addition, he was awarded the American Legion Gold Medal of Merit, the highest honor available for individual achievement. We were fortunate to have the Chief’s son Will present the medal to his father.

Americanism & Children and Youth
On May 5, 2018, Eagan American Legion Post 594 recognized ISD 196 Superintendent Jane Berenz for her accomplishments at the regularly scheduled District School Board meeting. Jane received a Certificate of Appreciation from the post and then was awarded the American Legion Gold Medal of Merit. This medal was presented to Superintendent Berenz by School Board Chairperson Jackie Magnuson.

District 196 Superintendent Jane K. Berenz’s final school board meeting on June 25 was filled with sentiments of gratitude and well wishes from members of the board, as well as a surprise recognition from Eagan American Legion Post 594.
Post Commander John Flynn and Post Adjutant Wayne Beierman presented Berenz with a certificate of gratitude and the American Legion Gold Medal of Merit, the highest medal of merit in the organization. The award is presented to those the Legion deems “exceptionally meritorious” in their work and service to others and their community. It is a nationally certified designation from the American Legion organization.
“Over her 36-year career, Jane K. Berenz has distinguished herself with exceptionally meritorious service while serving in positions of increasing responsibilities, culminating as the superintendent of Independent School District 196 for the past nine years,” Flynn said. “She has displayed an exceptional ability to lead, as well as partner with other branches of the state, county and local community administration to improve upon an already high quality of education program.
“Jane has used the values of courage, honor, leadership, patriotism, scholarship and service to guide her, to support her decisions, to foster her teams and to serve all of us.”
Throughout her 31-year career with District 196, and especially as superintendent, Berenz was steadfast in her support of men and women in uniform and championed a number of efforts to show her respect for the military. Berenz was instrumental in creating flag etiquette initiatives, supported local and district Veterans Day events, invited veterans groups to collaborate with students and praised the recognition of students entering the military upon graduation.
Americanism & Children and Youth
On July 25, 2018 the Eagan American Legion Post 594 Color Guard participated in the opening ceremony of the Sectional American Legion Baseball playoffs at Goat Hill Park in Eagan. They presented the colors for the National Anthem and retired them before ‘play ball’ was announced for tournament Game 1, between Lakeville and Inver Grove Heights.

Americanism & Children and Youth

In August 2018 Eagan American Legion Post 594 Adjutant and Legion Rider, Wayne Beierman participated in the 2018 American Legion Legacy Run that started in Hutchinson, KS and ended in Minneapolis for the 100th National Convention later this week.
Raising money for The American Legion Legacy Fund is a major annual event for the Legion Riders. The Legacy Fund provides scholarship money for the children of fallen service members and children of veterans with a disability rating of 50-percent or higher.
Wayne had the opportunity to present a $1000.00 Legacy Fund donation from Eagan Post 594 to American Legion National Commander Denise Rohan in Independence, MO.
Veterans & Americanism

In July 2018 – The Eagan American Legion Post 594 Family was given a unique opportunity by the MN American Legion Department. At the 100th National Convention held this August in Minneapolis, the Department gave away 10,500, medal badges to the delegates. These are nearly exact replicas of the badge given to the delegates at the first American Legion convention in 1919, which was also held in Minneapolis.

The post stapled a card to each bagged badge which explained that the badge is a gift from Minnesota. This card informed the delegates that it is only a souvenir and would not get them into any Legion 100 Anniversary National Convention events.
On July 23, about fifteen Eagan Post, Auxiliary, and family members got together to accomplish this task. They were joined by Past National Commander Dan Ludwig and MN American Legion Department Communications Director Al Zdon. The team was able to complete the 10,500 medal sets in about three hours, while enjoying appetizers and pizza.
Americanism & Children and Youth
The annual American Legion Color Guard Competition was held on August 24th at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The Eagan Post 594 color guard unit participated for the first time.
They finished in 10th place nationally in the Advancing/Retiring of Colors segment of the competition.
This is quite an accomplishment considering the quality and experience of the teams they were competing against. The Eagan color guard was started in May 2017.

Team: Dan Seanoa (captain), Wayne Beierman, Frank Caldwell, David Hammer, Frank Russomanno, and Steve Turbeville
Americanism & Children and Youth
Eagan Post 594 conducted a memorial service on the 17th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Participating at this event were the Post 594 color guard and members of the Eagan Fire Department. The event was held at the Eagan Tribute Plaza, where the flags were raised to full-staff at dusk, ending the program. Post Commander John Flynn emceed the event.

Veterans & Americanism
September 18, 2018 – Eagan American Legion Post 594 is pleased to announce that Paul Kovach was named the 2018 Legionnaire of the Year. He was recognized with this honor at the September 18th post meeting.

Paul is a US Marine Corps veteran and teacher at Eagan High School. He has been very active in volunteer activities supporting the American Legion pillars of Children & Youth, Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, and Americanism. In addition to his great support in liaising with ISD 196 on such initiatives as the Eagan High School Veterans Day and Military Commitment programs, Paul helped decorate one of the living areas at the MN Veteran Home in Hastings for the holidays and supported the Bagging Event for the Open Door food shelf. He is also a member of the Eagan Beyond the Yellow Ribbon committee. Paul’s passion for active military, veterans, and continuous education are commendable!
Veterans & Americanism
Post 594 gained approval as a partner with the 50th Anniversary Vietnam Commemoration of the United States. The Post has recognized over 250 veterans in three separate recognition events on September 10, 19 and November 11. These Veterans welcoming home fellow veteran’s events have been well received by Vietnam veterans.

Veterans & Americanism
On September the Eagan American Legion Post 594 Auxiliary presented the Hasting Veterans Home with a check to add a heater to their green house. These heaters will prolong the greenhouse season to provide the veterans with added fresh vegetables for their use.

Back Row Wayne Beierman, Tom Smith, and John Flynn.
Front Row: Sandy Smith Post 594 Auxiliary President, Sue Register Hastings Veterans Home Coordinator and Sue Flynn Post 594 Auxiliary Vice President.
On 11/19, Eagan American Legion Post 594 presented a Flag Collection Box to Sam’s Club – Eagan. This Sam’s Club has been very supportive to various Legion activities by donating cake, refreshments, and dinnerware to events such as recognizing High School seniors heading into the military. Sam’s has also supported some of the post’s Children and Youth programs as well the Auxiliary’s Poppy Day event. Post 594 and Sam’s Club have had a very meaningful relationship these past two years. The collection box was made by the residents of the MN Veterans Home in Hastings, in that facility’s Therapy Woodshop. Post Commander John Flynn and Color Guard members Jerry Skala, Frank Russomanno, and David Hammer presented this box to the associates and leadership team of Sam’s Club. The flags will be regularly collected by post members and accumulated for the annual, and honorable, flag retirement ceremony conducted on Flag Day.

Veterans & Americanism
On 11/30, members of the Eagan American Legion Post 594 and Auxiliary Unit 594 participated in this year’s Trim-the-Tree event at the MN Veterans Home in Hastings. The group had a meaningful time decorating one of the common areas within the veteran’s home campus and donated holiday treats and refreshments to the Home while there.

Pictured (L-R): Rear – Cheryl and Dan Seanoa, Barrett Kirchenwitz, Mike and Sue Schornak, Wayne Beierman Front – John Flynn, Karen Kirchenwitz, Sue Flynn
Veterans & Americanism
On 11/30, The Eagan Post and Auxiliary Unit also participated in this year’s Adopt-a-Vet program at the MN Veterans Home. Each group adopted a veteran for the holiday season and Wayne Beierman (Post 594 Adjutant) and Sue Flynn (Auxiliary Unit 594 Vice President) delivered wrapped holiday gifts for each of them to Sue Register, Volunteer Services Coordinator at the Home.

Pictured: (L-R): Wayne Beierman, Sue Register, and Sue Flynn