On May 16, 2019, Daniel R. Olsen Post 594 participated in an event to honor the four Eagan High School students who will be joining the military after graduation. Two are joining the U.S. Army and two are joining the U.S. Marines.
The evening speakers were Eagan Teacher Paul Kovach, Eagan City Administrator Dave Osberg, and Eagan High School senior and U.S. Army National Guard Private First Class Tyler Glidden. Tyler completed basic training In August 2018 at Fort Sill, OK and is a member of Post 594. The Keynote speaker was Past National Commander Dan Ludwig. Post 594 Commander John Flynn was the emcee for the event. The students talked about their plans in the military.
Each student received a personal MN Senate resolution from State Senator Jim Carlson, individual MN House resolution from Representative Laurie Halverson, an American Legion Certificate of Appreciation, and a plaque from Eagan High School and a branch-of-service pins from Post 594. The students were also thanked by all the active military and veterans in attendance. The cake, refreshments, and dinnerware were generously donated by Sam’s Club of Eagan.
After the ceremony, and under the guidance and support of the Post 594 Color Guard, the four students went outside and raised a POW/MIA Flag that had been donated to Eagan High School by Daniel R. Olsen Post 594.
- Daniel R. Olsen Post 594 Color Guard
- Members of the Eagan Concert Choir
- Post 594 Commander John Flynn
- Students talk about their military plans
- Student talk about their military plans
- Student talk about their military plans
- Student talk about their military plans
- Student talk about their military plans
- Eagan City Administrator Dave Osberg
- U.S. Army National Guard Private First Class Tyler Glidden
- Past National Commander Dan Ludwig
- Eagan Teacher Paul Kovach
- Active military and veterans line up to shake the recruits hands
- Student receives letters, plaque and pin
- Student shakes veterans hand
- Student shakes veterans hand
- Student receive letters, plaque and pin
- Daniel R. Olsen Post 594 Color Guard
- Daniel R. Olsen Post 594 Color Guard
- Cake supplied from Eagan Sam’s Club
- U.S. flag prior to adding POW/MIA flag
- Preparing to lower the U.S. Flag
- Lowering U.S. Flag
- Students prepare to install new POW/MIA flag
- Raising both flags
- Raising both flags
- New POW/MIA flag with U.S. Flag