Million Veteran ProgramThe Million Veteran Program (MVP) is a ground-breaking research program sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Research and Development, one of the nation’s leaders in health research. Since launching in 2011, they have successfully grown into one of the largest genetic research programs in the world. They are successful because of their Veteran partners, who are helping to improve health for today and generations to come. In 2019, they hit a significant milestone when they reached 800,000 Veteran partners!

The Million Veteran Program (MVP) is a national research program to learn how genes, lifestyle, and military exposures affect health and illness. Since launching in 2011, over 800,000 Veteran partners have joined one of the world’s largest programs on genetics and health. 

Veterans who partner with MVP contribute to improving the lives of fellow Veterans, and ultimately, everyone. Scientific discoveries from MVP are already underway, helping us reach our goal of transforming health now and for future generations.

Joining MVP is easy

We make it easy to become an MVP partner. To join online, Veterans are asked to:

  • Securely sign in or create an AccessVA account to verify your identity
  • Complete the consent process and allow access to health records
  • Conveniently schedule a visit to provide a blood sample
  • Complete surveys about health, lifestyle and military experience

Join MVP to help yourself and your fellow veterans!

MVP researchers are already discovering new information about genes and health. In addition to common health conditions that affect everyone such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, MVP researchers are also looking at conditions specific to Veterans. This includes PTSD, suicide prevention, TBI, and tinnitus. Read about the current MVP projects to learn more at