The Daniel R. Olsen Eagan American Legion Post and the Eagan Scout Troops 449 and 553 Scout troops held a Flag Retirement Ceremony at the Eagan Thomas Lake Park pavilion on October 4. Approximately, eight hundred non-serviceable US flags were retired at this dignified ceremony.
The United States flag specifies that when a flag is no longer serviceable it should be destroyed in a dignified manner. No longer serviceable means that the colors are faded and have lost their original vibrancy, the flag has holes and/or tears beyond repair, the edges have started to fray, or that there are stains that cannot be removed.
Legion Post 594 works with the City of Eagan to provide a flag collection box at the Eagan Community Center. The Post also has a large flag retirement collection box at the Sam’s Club in Eagan. The Post collects over 1,400 flags a year, from these two collection points. Thank you to the City of Eagan and Sam’s Club for participating in this patriotic service to our community and nation. We invite you to drop off flags past their serviceable use to one of these locations.
Eagan Scout Troop 449 and Eagan American Legion Post 594 veterans pre-inspected over 600 flags and folded them in preparation for the ceremony. Additional flags were inspected and folded by volunteers, Scouts and Legion members at the ceremony. Serviceable flags found during the flag inspection are donated to local cities, schools, and residents. If you are interested in receiving a flag, please call the Post Commander at 651-497-0971.