
From protecting borders and Capitals to delivering pandemic aid and supporting local law enforcement, members of our National Guard and Reserve have been challenged over the past three years like never before. Yet despite being there for us when we needed them the most, they are too often denied access to GI Bill benefits. Before the end of the year, let’s have the Senate deliver a victory on their behalf.

Tell Your Senators to Grant GI Bill Eligibility to our National Guard Now

The National Guard is facing tens of thousands in manpower shortages over the next couple of years amidst increasing calls from governors for help during times of emergencies. Our troops that get stretched to the limit serving our communities deserve the same GI Bill benefits as their Active Duty counterparts, and it is past time for Congress to provide it to them. H.R. 1836, the Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act would address this benefits disparity by counting Title 32 orders and active duty training towards GI Bill eligibility.

The House of Representatives has passed this legislation, but time is running out for the Senate to bring it to a vote. Please urge your Senators to stand with our National Guard and Reserve servicemembers by visiting this link.

We appreciate your support for our newest generation of veterans.