The Daniel R. Olsen American Legion Post 594 (Eagan) participated as follows:

On 11/10, in support of the Eagan Beyond the Yellow Ribbon committee, the post facilitated a program at the Commons on Marice Senior Living in Eagan to honor the resident veterans and their families. The Color Guard posted the colors and Post 594 Commander John Flynn led the audience in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Color Guard Captain Dan Seanoa then performed a Missing Man Table ceremony which was followed by a “All Gave Some and Some Gave All” video. Flynn delivered a prayer before the colors were retired and brunch was served.

On 11/11, at 6 am, the Color Guard presented the colors at the kick-off of the annual Hy-Vee Veterans Breakfast. Flynn led all in attendance in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. A Missing Man Table display was also set up by Seanoa for this event.

The Color Guard then went to Eagan High School, where they presented the Eagan High School - Post 594 Color Guardcolors at the school’s annual Veterans Day assembly. As part of the program, Dept. of Minnesota 3rd District Commander Linda Dvorak presented Flynn with the 2019 National American Legion Post Excellence Award. Flynn commented, “This is quite an honor. It is more meaningful when you consider that just four years ago, the post tried to turn in its charter.” He added “I proudly accept this award on behalf of our 320 members. Without their efforts, this would not happen.” It was very humbling to have this award presented at the high school, as this is where Daniel R. Olsen graduated before entering the military. The outpouring of thanks and congratulations that Flynn received from students and faculty after the ceremony was heartfelt and greatly appreciated’.

Hy-Vee Flag FoldingThe Color Guard then returned to Hy-Vee to retire their old flag and raise a new one. This was done on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour.

The day concluded with a program at the New Perspective Senior Living New Perspective Veterans Day eventCenter in Eagan. The post donated a new flag which was raised with the assistance of one of the resident veterans of the center. The program then moved inside, where Post Adjutant Wayne Beierman delivered the 2019 American Legion Veterans Day Speech. Flynn and Beierman then held a United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration ceremony. The post is an authorized partner of this program. Seanoa also held a Missing Man Table ceremony at this venue.

New Perspective Veterans Day event

More pictures from the day: