At the July 21 meeting, members of Daniel R. Olsen American Legion Post 594 were presented with the ‘2020 National Post Excellence Award’. This is the second consecutive year that the post has been the recipient of this national recognition. The award was presented by American Legion Dept. of Minnesota Third District Commander Linda Dvorak. Due to current COVID-19 guidelines, the meeting was held at the Thomas Lake Park Pavilion.
The purpose of this program is to recognize individual posts for exposure of American Legion values to the youth of their communities, increased visibility of the American Legion Family through service projects, and membership growth. Post 594 members were either involved or facilitated over 30 outreach / volunteer efforts over the past 12-months. All required annual reporting was submitted accurately and on-time. Post members participated in all district events. The Daniel R. Olsen Post 594 once again led the American Legion Dept. of MN in membership growth.
Out of 12,704 Legion posts world-wide only 145 were recognized with this honor. Out of the 545 posts in Minnesota, only four achieved this recognition.
“This is quite an honor and is a reflection of our member’s willingness to get involved” said Post 594 Commander John Flynn. “The post members donated numerous volunteer hours supporting the pillars of Americanism, Children & Youth, and Veterans Affairs. Our goal continues to be making a positive difference for the local communities, veterans, and active military personnel. Our nationally-recognized Color Guard had a busy year, especially last Veterans Day when they participated at five events”.
Flynn added “We are a post without a building, bar, or gambling. We could not do what we do without the generosity of local organizations, businesses and residents, and the great support from the local press”.

Some post members gathered for a team photo

Pic (L-R): Post Commander Johyn Flynn, Third District Commander Linda Dvorak